Fresno Lawyer Helping You Get The SSI Benefits You Need
California Medicaid Attorney
If you cannot work because of injury or illness, you may seek disability benefits through the Social Security Administration, by filing a Social Security Disability (SSD) claim. However, if you cannot provide for your own means due to age, blindness or disability, you may also seek compensation by filing a Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claim.
Whereas SSD claims require that you have worked and paid Social Security (or FICA) taxes, the SSI program provides compensation based on need and has no work or contribution requirement. Nonetheless, you want an experienced lawyer to help you get the benefits you need, someone who has helped others in circumstances like yours.
At the Law Offices of Gary J. Hill, we have handled claims for people throughout the Central Valley for more than 35 years, including cases involving benefits through the Supplemental Security Income program. Our professional and knowledgeable support will help correctly address all issues related to your claim.
Our Supplemental Security Income Practice
SSI benefits are designed to provide funds for food, clothing and shelter and are based purely on need. The amount of benefits paid is also based on the needs of the recipient, up to the maximum amount allowed under Social Security laws.
We will handle all matters related to an SSI claim, helping you gather all necessary information to support a claim, preparing and filing all necessary paperwork to seek benefits, and acting as your advocate in all hearings or proceedings. We will work closely with you, carefully assessing your situation to determine your eligibility for benefits. After assessing the information you supply in regard to your medical status and your income and resource situation, we will give you our professional opinion regarding your likelihood of prevailing in your claim. We will also assist you with appeals of claim denials.
Contact The Law Offices Of Gary J. Hill
We provide a free consultation to every client. To set up an appointment with an experienced Fresno SSI attorney, contact our office by e-mail or call us at 559-442-4455. Our offices are located in an upscale part of downtown Fresno, within easy walking distance of the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board and all courts before which we practice. We handle SSI claims on a contingency basis, charging lawyer fees only if we recover compensation for your losses.